A downloadable game

Currently streaming game development of Alchemistie on Twitch every Tuesday and Wednesday 6-10pm EST. 

You can also find VODs, gameplay videos, (and eventually trailers) on YouTube

Art Credit to u/pixelodis

Alchemistie is a game where you play as Mistie, a young girl who learns magic and science in order to make a difference in her land. You will gather different colored ingredients and spray potions out of a mechanical device onto enemies and yourself to get past combat encounters and puzzles. Throughout the game you will find scrolls that can assign different effects to each color of ingredient, giving variety to which effects you have readily available. Effects like strength, speed, poison, bounce, sleep, and more will be hidden throughout the land.

On her journey, Mistie will encounter companion characters that will help her on her quest. Evelyn, for example, is an archer who can have her arrows buffed (or debuffed) by Mistie's potions. Evelyn also has helpful traversal abilities such as shooting grappling arrows to create tethered bridges.

Art Credit to u/pixelodis

Mistie's quest is simple: to stop a mysterious evil scientist who intends to blow up Cauldron Crag, the volcano at the center of the land.

Updated 6 days ago
Published 7 days ago
StatusIn development
GenreAdventure, Action, Puzzle
TagsDungeon Crawler

Development log

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